便利店故事【电影】剧情 【超清4K】网盘下载【夸克】

导演: 三木聪
编剧: 三木聪
主演: 成田凌 / 前田敦子 / 片山友希
官方网站: https://conveniencestory-movie.jp/
制片国家/地区: 日本
语言: 日语
上映日期: 2022-08-05(日本)
片长: 97分钟
又名: 通往异世界的便利店(台) / Convenience Story
IMDb: tt22775702

便利店故事 剧情简介….

  Kato is an aspiring screenwriter treading water. He spends his days pitching stories to offbeat agents and executives who are anything but impressed. Not that he has run out of ideas, they just don’t seem to go anywhere. Unlike his relationship with his girlfriend Zigzag – that one is going down the drain. Little does Kato – or anyone – know that life is about to take some seri…


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